
Rap Group Seeks Publicity Through Death Wishes

Bill O’Reilly and Michelle Malkin are on a death-wish list of some rap group desperately seeking publicity. I think Madonna ruined it for everyone by suggesting an affair with a black man in a church with crosses burning on a lawn.

There’s a rule here– don’t actively seek outrage, or it will miss you. If you don’t intend outrage, people will be outraged.

It’s like any of those Scary Movie films. Everything in them is so obviously aimed at shock or gross-out value, that there’s very little that shocks us anymore.

So, in that vein, I’ve got a new song.

Let’s set Chris Matthews on fire! Yeah yeah!

Let’s flatten Olbermann with my Ford Aspire!

Beat Couric to death with a 300 lb halibut!

Begala will be eatin by my mangy mutt!

(refrain) We’re Chariacture Republicans, baby!

We’re so red we’re microwave!

We’re dumb, we love Jesus, and we watch NASCAR!

We’re voting now, and more after the grave!

(Verse 2) We’ve go no talent, that’s true

But we’ll be damned if we’re Democrat blue!

Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Soerto, honey.

I’ll say it again– but only for more money!


(Verse 3) Are you outraged yet or what my man?

No? Bite the head off that bat, I can!

Talkin’ like Yoda, yeah, kill the green bastard too!

Star Wars fans? That’ll outrage a few!

Caricature republicans, baby!

Ooooh yeah.. Look! Hot wings and bacon!

Mmmm.. mmmmmm. mmmmm.. baby!

(If you haven’t figured out this is satire, come closer to me and my 300 lb halibut…)

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